Approved Personal Support Worker Program

Care-Ed Learning Center follows the newly designed “made in New Brunswick” standardized curriculum which is sensitive to the realities of the home support sector and prepares caregivers with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide quality support care in the community.

The PSW program offers students the knowledge and know-how in home care.  We offer Foundational Training of 350 hours of the 1800-hour Personal Support Worker Apprenticeship Program. 

Care-Ed Learning has received approval to deliver 1,800 hours of training for the PSW Trade Certificate from the Apprenticeship Occupational Certification (AOC) branch at Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labor.  

Students must pass all test and Practicum Rating Skills Criteria of 70%

Getting Started

Do you meet our prerequisites?

In order to begin the program, the following criteria must be met:

  • High School or Approved GED Certificate
  • Current CPR/First Aid Certificate
  • Criminal Record Check
  • Vulnerable Sector Check
  • Dept. of Social Development Record Check
  • Registration Fee, and textbook (non-refundable)

Contact Jeanna for more information & to register:

(506) 634-8906

or Toll Free 1-800-561-2463


What the Personal Support Worker Offers

Personal Support Worker prepares students to work in private homes and special care homes where there is a need for in-depth solutions for more complex care challenges experienced in the care of aging clients with chronic diseases and limited abilities. The 12-module program involves classroom presentations, student projects, mentorship and practicum. Students may earn a Care-Ed Seal to acknowledge their merits within the PSW program.

The PSW Internship Program

The PSW Internship Program provides the option to participate in regular weekly work schedules while attending class one or two evenings per week until all course requirements are completed.  They will earn a certificate for PSW.  Regular payroll deductions are made, and the student is debt free at the end of the program.

Contact us

We are also seeking Trained Medical Internationals who want to come to Canada.

For further details, current course schedule and tuition costs

contact Jeanna at the Care-Ed Learning Centre

(506) 634-8906

or Toll Free 1-800-561-2463


Students must pass all test and Practicum Rating Skills Criteria of 70%

Cancellation Policy
Cancellations received in advance of the program start date will be subject to a 15% administration fee.  Non-attendance will incur full seminar fee.  Substitutions are acceptable.  We reserve the right to cancel a program due to insufficient registration.